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Setiap Ahad @ Triways Sports Centre, Padang Jawa dari 8 - 10 PM...Jom Futsal!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Meng'happening'kan diri ideas?

Dear fellow NATS,

We need ideas for activities apart from futsal to liven up our mundane lives. Below are some suggestions. Please comment and give ideas in return. We also want the girls or others (yg tak main futsal) to participate dan menghappeningkan our blog/NATS community.

  1. Cranium games - tonight 20/6/09 @ Enchanted Forest Studio (amru + fariz's hotspot).
  2. Liverpool Game in Singapore - details to come
  3. White Water rafting + repelling @ Gopeng, Perak
  4. Camping/chalet + Air panas + air terjun + jungle trekking + flying fox @ Pedas, Negeri 9
  5. Skywalk @ Bukit Cerakah, Shah Alam
  6. Family swimming @ Pusat Akuatik, Shah Alam
  7. Afamosa Water Park @ Melaka
Lets focus on the better things in life.


Shahrul said...

Hmm..very interesting suggestion..tapi kita hanya boleh merancang..MEREKA juga yg menentukan.. anywayss..cranium OK...Liverpool x brapa OK...gopeng maybe OK..Skywalk On je aku...Pusat akuatik kena pikirkan betul betul..A famosa melaka nk dapatkan restu ibu bapa

Anonymous said...

Very interesting... but as always... me depends on financiality... skywalks,cranium no problems... most interesting A famosa melaka... can play bluff, cranium, swimming pool and theme park... Berangan angan nak jadi cowboy..hahaha hehehe

ZZ said...

tambah lagi satu idea - bowling nights once a month or so. this can be a couples activity to get the girls involved

Masri said...

chilling at bora asmara @ mana2 kedai tak kira ker???
hahahaa leh layan cigars....
aku buat masa nih off semua aktiviti laaa. tak tau bila boleh join