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Friday, July 10, 2009

Pimp my blog

Hello everybody,

We have yet again changed the template of our NATS blog as a measure to always improve. A few things to highlight and explain for everybody's pleasure.

  1. This current template is as evergreen as i can find. Black and matching ngan kita punya header. ada unsur2 misteri (oooo....)
  2. Its 3 columns as per request from everybody. Better to view everything and convenient. Takyah scroll down banyak sangat.
  3. This template is also sesuai for all sizes of monitor and masalah tak muat widget, youtube telah di atas (dengan hasil usaha gigih Encik AZ). But i request everybody kalau post youtube please pilih size yg kecik sekali. i believe it to be 425 pixel. We have to compromise with the 3 columns and consider monitor kecik.
  4. Bo dah tolong kemaskan archive nye category (tq pengantin baru). Label time post kalau boleh try selit yg sedia ada isntead of making a new one.
  5. Tajuk for all posts and widget AZ dah tukar colour green as to stand out more (previously grey.. boringg) and be a part of our futsal theme.
  6. When the logo finishes, boleh try selit the logo at every post punya header (AZ nye idea).
  7. Kalau boleh mintak ramai2 jadi follower blog supaya nampak sikit happening. Aku masukkan follower gadget sekali. setakat ni ada 4 org je.
  8. So if any other issues, please right in chat box/comment sementara i'm not that bz and i will try and resolve it asap.
  9. Satu lagi issue, kalau nak letak gambar Shahrul Ganu, Bo Pengantin, Agus Do, Lukman Islandboy susah sikit sebab background hitam. nanti nampak gigi diorang je. Malas lah nak tukar template lagi.. suruh diroang pakai Revlon Beyouncy banyak2 instead.

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