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Setiap Ahad @ Triways Sports Centre, Padang Jawa dari 8 - 10 PM...Jom Futsal!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Week 2 NATS Player of The Week

Before this week's game, Zulkarnain @ Zul @ Bozord was awarded the NATS Week 18 Player of The Week award. The bubbly was given away by NATS vice-chairman Mazleen @ Tevez.

Congratulations Bozord!!


Anonymous said...

Congrates to Zul@Bozord.... the player of the week... Caio Caio... Keep it up...
p.s Cute Trophy Bo....

zidane said...

monsieur bozord,

please come to bernebau and play with us real madrid. it will be an honour

m afnanz said...

haha..congrats bro..apa apa hal janji aku pak pacak

Bo the Nerd said...

Nan..pacak2 pun pacaklah...
janji gelemer...

ZZ said...

f9 kira macam thorn among the roses lah

m afnanz said...

thorn roses...aku guns n roses siiut...tenkyu tenkyu.

Masri said...

congratss zul