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Saturday, November 28, 2009

Piala Masri di gantikan dgn Piala NATS Weekly

After Masri was man handled by Afnan as he didnt get his hands on the NATS Weekly Trophy, NATS has presented Afnan was the new and improved NATS Weekly Trophy.

Its a first that a NATS Player of The Week gets his picture posted twice. Please click HERE.

Ini gambar pertama yang di letakkan sebelum Piala NATS Player of The Week di ganti baru.

Afnan nampak lebih girang dengan menggunakan Masri sebagai piala nya berbanding gambar di atas....apa pendapat anda?

P/s: No Masris were harmed in the capture of this photo.


m afnanz said...

mcm apek tgh todi..haha

Bo the Nerd said...

hahaha..tak sedar pulak.
betullah..malam nih turun?